HYDRA, La Basal
18 November, 2023
HYDRA is not a celebration HYDRA is not a performance HYDRA is not an installation HYDRA is not an anniversary HYDRA is not an excuse HYDRA is not a happening HYDRA is not a show HYDRA is not a monster HYDRA is not a full evening HYDRA is not a show HYDRA is not a process
On 18 November 2023 we host the collective performance HYDRA by La Basal.
Limited capacity, download your free ticket at the following > link

La Basal is a non-profit cultural association that supports and encourages artistic and cultural activity, along with the inclusion of social and cultural diversity. Through artistic, educational, social, artistic production and creation initiatives, among others, we want to promote cultural democratisation and democratic culture.
We believe in the integration of diversity in the cultural and artistic scene, paying attention to people with functional diversity and groups at risk of social exclusion. Their integration in the educational field and in the professional scene, for this reason, we carry out different initiatives and productions with these groups.
18 November 2023
Roberto Pintre
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid
Cervezas Turia